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Article: Chazyan (Ordovician) leptotrypellid and atactotoechid Bryozoa

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 5
Part: 4
Publication Date: January 1963
Page(s): 727 739
Author(s): June R. P. Phillips Ross
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In Chazyan dolomitized biohermal reef complexes the bryozoans Atactotoechus chazyensis sp. nov. and A. kayi sp. nov. range throughout the standard Chazyan Series in the type section in north-eastern New York State and also occur on Isle La Motte, Vt. These primitive species of Atactotoechus considerably extend the geologic range of this genus (hitherto regarded as Devonian and early Carboniferous?) downward into middle Ordovician strata.Jordanopora gen. nov. appears to be a primitive representative of the leptotrypellids and the single species, J. heroensis sp. nov., occurs in the Chazyan Series near Chazy, on Isle La Motte, and South Hero Island.
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