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Article: Bioerosive structures from Miocene marine mobile-substrate communities in southern Spain, and description of a new sponge boring

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 54
Part: 3
Publication Date: May 2011
Page(s): 535 545
Author(s): Ana Santos, Eduardo Mayoral and Richard G. Bromley
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Neogene palaeoshore sediments are abundantly represented along the Mediterranean coast of Iberia. An outcrop north of the Sierra Tejeda, named La Resinera, exposes concentrations of pebbles and boulders of marble, comprising an upper Miocene marine beach deposit. The high diversity of bioerosion trace fossils present in these boulders includes structures produced by polychaete annelids, demosponges, echinoids and endolithic bivalves, which indicate a shallow shoreface environment. The ichnotaxa represented are Maeandropolydora sulcans, Caulostrepsis taeniola, Entobia geometrica, Entobia ovula, Circolites kotoncensis, Gastrochaenolites torpedo, Gastrochaenolites lapidicus, Gastrochaenolites ornatus and Gastrochaenolites turbinatus. The borings are Tortonian (late Miocene) in age. Also present, and particularly abundant, are large sponge borings that have a single chamber from which radiating canals emerge. This trace fossil is designated as Entobia resinensis isp. nov.
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