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Article: Origin of the Eocene planktonic foraminifer Hantkenina by gradual evolution

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 57
Part: 2
Publication Date: March 2014
Page(s): 243 267
Author(s): <p>Paul N. Pearson and Helen K. Coxall</p>
Addition Information

How to Cite

PEARSON, P. N. and COXALL, H. K. 2014. Origin of the Eocene planktonic foraminifer Hantkenina by gradual evolution. Palaeontology, 57, 2, 243–267. doi: 10.1111/pala.12064

Author Information

  • Paul N. Pearson - School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK 2 (email:
  • Helen K. Coxall - Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden (email:

Publication History

  • Issue published online: 15 MAR 2014
  • Article first published online: 17 SEP 2013
  • Manuscript Accepted: 3 JUN 2013
  • Manuscript Received: 21 NOV 2012

Funded By

Natural Environment Research Council. Grant Number: NE/I005870/1

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Wiley Online Library (Open Access)
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