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Article: Late Cretaceous gymnosperms from Sakhalin and the terminal Cretaceous event

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 21
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1978
Page(s): 893 905
Author(s): V. A. Krassilov
Addition Information

How to Cite

KRASSILOV, V. A. 1978. Late Cretaceous gymnosperms from Sakhalin and the terminal Cretaceous event. Palaeontology21, 4, 893–905.

Online Version Hosted By

The Palaeontological Association (Free Access)


In the Late Cretaceous, diversity of gymnospermous orders increased due to the appearance of true Cycadales. Most groups experienced important evolutionary changes. Extant genera first appeared among Cycadales (Cycas), Ginkgoales, and Coniferales. Noteworthy evolutionary innovations were phylloclades in the Cupressaceae and distinctive stomatal types in the Araucariaceae. Sequoia and Parataxodium achieved dominant status. At the Cretaceous Tertiary boundary, the Caytoniales, Bennettitales, and Nilssoniales died out. There was replacement of dominant genera among conifers and of dominant leaf morphotypes among angiosperms. Major type of the Late Cretaceous vegetation—Sequoia-laurophyllous forest—perished and gave way to mixed broad-leaved forests.
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