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Article: A revision of paramblypterid and amblypterid actinopterygians from Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian lacustrine deposits of central Europe

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 43
Part: 5
Publication Date: November 2000
Page(s): 927 966
Author(s): Kathrin Dietze
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The descriptions and diagnoses of the type species of Paramblypterus, Paramblypterus decorus, and the type species of Amblypterus, Amblypterus latus, which is very similar to Paramblypterus, are revised. The skulls of Paramblypterus decorus, P. duvernoyi, and A. latus are restored in three-dimensional models, and their diagnoses are emended. Intra-specific variation of P. decorus and P. duvernoyi concerns dermohyal, 'suborbital' and extrascapular bones, and dermohyal, rostral, parietal and extrascapular bones, respectively. Owing to poor preservation, patterns of variation could only be recognised in one specimen of A. latus regarding the extrascapular series and the posterior edges of the scales. All data on Amblypterus and Paramblypterus were entered into a PAUP analysis. Fifty taxa of lower actinopterygians were analysed for 57 characters. According to this analysis, Paramblypterus and Amblypterus are contained in the same family, the Amblypteridae. P. gelberti and P. duvernoyi are the sister group of P. rohani and P. decorus, and the genus Paramblypterus is the sister taxon of the genus Amblypterus.
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