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Palaeontology Archive

The Association has made issues of the journal Palaeontology from volume 1 (1957) to volume 41 (1998) available to the palaeontological community, without restriction or charge, through our online portal. Issues from volume 42 (1999) to the present time can be obtained though the Wiley Online Library portal where they are free to Members of the Association and subscribing institutions, and available for purchase by non-members and non-subscribing institutions on an individual basis.

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Volume 34

Volume 34 | Part 3

Article: Belemnites from the Coniacian to Lower Campanian chalks of Norfolk and southern England

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 3
Publication Date: September 1991
Page(s): 695–749.
Authored By: Walter Kegel Christensen

Volume 34 | Part 2

Article: A spider and other arachnids from the Devonian of New York, and reinterpretations of Devonian Araneae

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 2
Publication Date: June 1991
Page(s): 241–281.
Authored By: Paul A. Selden, William A. Shear and Patricia M. Bonamo

Article: Ordovician graptolites from the Early Hunneberg of southern Scandinavia

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 2
Publication Date: June 1991
Page(s): 283–327.
Authored By: Kristina Lindholm

Article: Trilobites from the Ordovician of Portugal

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 2
Publication Date: June 1991
Page(s): 329–355.
Authored By: Michael Romano

Article: Cambroclaves and paracarinachitids, early skeletal problematica from the Lower Cambrian of south China

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 2
Publication Date: June 1991
Page(s): 357–397.
Authored By: S. Conway Morris and Chen Menge

Article: The ostracoderm Phialaspis from the Lower Devonian of the Welsh Borderland and South Wales

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 2
Publication Date: June 1991
Page(s): 399–438.
Authored By: Peter Rex Tarrant

Article: The rhynchonellide brachiopod Eocoelia from the Upper Llandovery of Ireland and Scotland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 2
Publication Date: June 1991
Page(s): 439–454.
Authored By: E. N. Doyle, A. N. Höey and D. A. T. Harper

Article: The role of predation in the evolution of cementation in bivalves

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 2
Publication Date: June 1991
Page(s): 455–460.
Authored By: Elizabeth M. Harper

Article: Morphologic patterns of diversification: examples from trilobites

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 2
Publication Date: June 1991
Page(s): 461–485.
Authored By: Mike Foote

Article: The Paleorhinus biochron and the correlation of the non-marine Upper Triassic of Pangaea

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 2
Publication Date: June 1991
Page(s): 487–501.
Authored By: Adrian P. Hunt and Spencer G. Lucas

Volume 34 | Part 1

Article: Late Tremadoc graptolites from western Newfoundland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 1
Publication Date: March 1991
Page(s): 1–47.
Authored By: S. Henry Williams and Robert K. Stevens

Article: Middle Triassic holothurians from northern Spain

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 1
Publication Date: March 1991
Page(s): 49–76.
Authored By: Andrew B. Smith and Jaume Gallemi

Article: A new upper Ordovician bryozoan fauna from the Slade and Redhill Beds, South Wales

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 1
Publication Date: March 1991
Page(s): 77–108.
Authored By: Caroline J. Buttler

Article: Middle Ordovician bivalves from Spain and their phyletic and palaeogeographic significance

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 1
Publication Date: March 1991
Page(s): 109–147.
Authored By: Claude Babin and Juan-Carlos Gutiérrez-Marco

Article: Spongiophyton from the late Lower Devonian of New Brunswick and Quebec, Canada

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 1
Publication Date: March 1991
Page(s): 149–168.
Authored By: Patricia G. Gensel, William G. Chaloner and William H. Forbes

Article: Teuthid cephalopods from the Upper Jurassic of Antarctica

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 1
Publication Date: March 1991
Page(s): 169–178.
Authored By: Peter Doyle

Article: A new scleractinian-like coral from the Ordovician of the Southern Uplands, Scotland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 1
Publication Date: March 1991
Page(s): 179–194.
Authored By: Colin T. Scrutton and Euan N. K. Clarkson

Article: The taxonomy and shell characteristics of a new elkaniid brachiopod from the Ashgill of Sweden

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 1
Publication Date: March 1991
Page(s): 195–204.
Authored By: Lars E. Holmer

Article: Cuticular ultrastructure of the trilobite Ellipsocephalus polytomus from the Middle Cambrian of ??land, Sweden

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 1
Publication Date: March 1991
Page(s): 205–217.
Authored By: <p>J. E. Dalingwater, S. J. Hutchinson, H. Mutvei and David J. Siveter</p>

Article: Contrasting feedings strategies in bivalves from the Silurian of Gotland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 1
Publication Date: March 1991
Page(s): 219–235.
Authored By: Louis Liljedahl

Article: Lizard egg shells from the Lower Cretaceous of Cuenca Province, Spain

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 34
Part: 1
Publication Date: March 1991
Page(s): 237–240.
Authored By: Rolf Kohring
