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Palaeontology Archive

The Association has made issues of the journal Palaeontology from volume 1 (1957) to volume 41 (1998) available to the palaeontological community, without restriction or charge, through our online portal. Issues from volume 42 (1999) to the present time can be obtained though the Wiley Online Library portal where they are free to Members of the Association and subscribing institutions, and available for purchase by non-members and non-subscribing institutions on an individual basis.

Please note that individual publications need to be manually imported. If the article you require is not yet included in our archive, please email the webmaster using the contact us page.

In addition to the articles hosted by the Association (below) many can also be found on the Biodiversity Heritage Library: Palaeontology@BHL.

Volume 19

Volume 19 | Part 1

Article: Carboniferous chonetacean and productacean brachiopods from eastern Australia

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 19
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1976
Page(s): 17–77.
Authored By: John Roberts

Article: A euryhaline oyster from the Middle Jurassic and the origin of the true oysters

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 19
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1976
Page(s): 79–93.
Authored By: J. D. Hudson and T. J. Palmer

Article: Globorotalia crassula (Foraminiferida): Blow's interpretation considered biometrically

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 19
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1976
Page(s): 95–105.
Authored By: G. H. Scott

Article: Tertiary and Pleistocene crabs from Barbados and Trinidad

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 19
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1976
Page(s): 107–131.
Authored By: J. S. H. Collins and S. F. Morris

Article: Late middle Cambrian agnostid trilobites from north-western Tasmania

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 19
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1976
Page(s): 133–172.
Authored By: J. B. Jago

Article: Upper Palaeocene Salviniaceae from the Woolwich/Reading Beds near Cobham, Kent

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 19
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1976
Page(s): 173–184.
Authored By: A. R. H. Martin

Article: A Westphalian eurypterid from South Wales

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 19
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1976
Page(s): 185–190.
Authored By: Robert M. Owens and Michael G. Bassett

Article: The taxonomic position of the chalicotheriid perissodactyl Kyzylkakhippus orlovi from the Oligocene of Kazakhstan

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 19
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1976
Page(s): 191–198.
Authored By: Margery Chalifoux Coombs
Volume 18

Volume 18 | Part 4

Article: Larger Foraminifera from the Lower Eocene of the Gebel Gurnah, Luxor, Egypt: erratum

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Authored By: Khaled A. Hamam

Article: Ammonites from the Doulting Conglomerate Bed (Upper Bajocian, Jurassic) of Somerset: erratum

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Authored By: C. F. Parsons

Article: Kirklandia texana Caster—Cretaceous hydrozoan medusoid or trace fossil chimaera?

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 665–679.
Authored By: F. T. Fürsich and W. J. Kennedy

Article: An outline history of seagrass communities

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 681–702.
Authored By: M. D. Brasier

Article: The biostratigraphy of the upper Ordovician and lower Silurian of South-west Dyfed, with comments on the Hirnantia fauna

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 703–724.
Authored By: L. R. M. Cocks and D. Price

Article: Comparative analysis of fossil and recent echinoid bioerosion

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 725–739.
Authored By: R. G. Bromley

Article: English hypsilophodontid dinosaurs (Reptilia: Ornithischia)

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 741–752.
Authored By: Peter M. Galton

Article: Bibliography and index of catalogues of type, figured, and cited fossils in museums in Britain

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 753–773.
Authored By: Michael G. Bassett

Article: Mid-Cretaceous angiosperm pollen from southern England and northern France

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 775–808.
Authored By: J. F. Laing

Article: Radnoria, a new Silurian proetacean trilobite, and the origins of the Brachymetopidae

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 809–822.
Authored By: R. M. Owens and A. T. Thomas

Article: A new crab, Costacopluma concava from the upper Cretaceous of Nigeria

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 823–829.
Authored By: J. S. H. Collins and S. F. Morris

Article: A Lower Permian temnospondylous amphibian from the English Midlands

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 831–845.
Authored By: Roberta L. Paton

Article: A revision of the Triassic to lowest Jurassic dinoflagellate Rhaetogonyaulax

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 847–864.
Authored By: Rex Harland, S. Jack Morbey and William A. S. Sarjeant

Article: The production of faunal lists by automatic methods

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 865–869.
Authored By: Ian E. Penn

Article: The lectotype of the ammonite Cadomites psilacanthus (Wermbter)

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 871–877.
Authored By: G. E. G. Westermann and M. Rioult

Article: Terebratulide affinity of the brachiopod Spirifera minima Moore

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 879–882.
Authored By: P. G. Baker and C. J. T. Copp

Article: New data on Tremadoc graptolites from Yukon, Canada

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 18
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1975
Page(s): 883–887.
Authored By: D. E. Jackson
