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Palaeontology Archive

The Association has made issues of the journal Palaeontology from volume 1 (1957) to volume 41 (1998) available to the palaeontological community, without restriction or charge, through our online portal. Issues from volume 42 (1999) to the present time can be obtained though the Wiley Online Library portal where they are free to Members of the Association and subscribing institutions, and available for purchase by non-members and non-subscribing institutions on an individual basis.

Please note that individual publications need to be manually imported. If the article you require is not yet included in our archive, please email the webmaster using the contact us page.

In addition to the articles hosted by the Association (below) many can also be found on the Biodiversity Heritage Library: Palaeontology@BHL.

Volume 17

Volume 17 | Part 2

Article: Podocarpus from the Upper Cretaceous of Eastern Asia and its bearing on the theory of conifer evolution

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 2
Publication Date: September 1974
Page(s): 365–370.
Authored By: V. A. Krassilov

Article: Lower Carboniferous conodont faunas from north-east Devonshire

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 2
Publication Date: September 1974
Page(s): 371–385.
Authored By: S. C. Matthews and J. M. Thomas

Article: An apparently heterosporous plant from the Middle Devonian of New Brunswick

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 2
Publication Date: September 1974
Page(s): 387–408.
Authored By: Henry N. Andrews, Patricia G. Gensel and William H. Forbes

Article: The Silurian trilobite Onycopyge Woodward

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 2
Publication Date: September 1974
Page(s): 409–421.
Authored By: D. J. Holloway and K. S. W. Campbell

Article: Selective epizoan encrustation of some Silurian Brachiopods from Gotland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 2
Publication Date: September 1974
Page(s): 423–429.
Authored By: J. M. Hurst

Article: An improved method of mounting palaeontological specimens for SEM examination

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 2
Publication Date: September 1974
Page(s): 431–434.
Authored By: E. M. Finch

Article: A specimen location technique for SEM strew mounts

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 2
Publication Date: September 1974
Page(s): 435–436.
Authored By: J. F. Laing

Article: Affinity of Dayiacean brachiopods

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 2
Publication Date: September 1974
Page(s): 437–439.
Authored By: J. G. Johnson

Volume 17 | Part 1

Article: A revision of some Ordovician graptolites of eastern North America

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 1
Publication Date: June 1974
Page(s): 1–40.
Authored By: John Riva

Article: The Lower Palaeozoic acritarchs Priscogalea and Cymatiogalea

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 1
Publication Date: June 1974
Page(s): 41–63.
Authored By: S. M. Rasul

Article: Two new Paleocene dinoflagellates from Virginia and Maryland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 1
Publication Date: June 1974
Page(s): 65–70.
Authored By: Dewey M. McLean

Article: Trilobites from the Gorran Quartzites, Ordovician of south Cornwall

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 1
Publication Date: June 1974
Page(s): 71–93.
Authored By: P. M. Sadler

Article: The trilobite Clavagnostus Howell from the Cambrian of Tasmania

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 1
Publication Date: June 1974
Page(s): 95–109.
Authored By: J. B. Jago and B. Daily

Article: A new pelagic trilobite from the Ordovician of Spitsbergen, Ireland, and Utah

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 1
Publication Date: June 1974
Page(s): 111–124.
Authored By: R. A. Fortey

Article: Williamsoniella lignieri: its pollen and the compression of spherical pollen grains

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 1
Publication Date: June 1974
Page(s): 125–148.
Authored By: Tom M. Harris

Article: Early growth stages in rhabdomesoid bryozoans from the Lower Carboniferous of Hook Head, Ireland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 1
Publication Date: June 1974
Page(s): 149–164.
Authored By: Ronald Tavener-Smith

Article: A new genus of Jurassic bivalve mollusc ancestral to Globocardium

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 1
Publication Date: June 1974
Page(s): 165–178.
Authored By: C. P. Palmer

Article: Shell structure of Terebratulid brachiopods

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 17
Part: 1
Publication Date: June 1974
Page(s): 179–202.
Authored By: D. I. MacKinnon and Alwyn Williams
Volume 16

Volume 16 | Part 4

Article: A new Silurian echinoid genus from Scotland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 16
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1973
Page(s): 651–663.
Authored By: Porter M. Kier

Article: Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Bearpaw Formation (Upper Campanian) of southern Alberta, Canada

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 16
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1973
Page(s): 665–706.
Authored By: Rex Harland

Article: On the mode of branching in a new species of Clonograptus

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 16
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1973
Page(s): 707–711.
Authored By: Dennis E. Jackson

Article: Notes on open nomenclature and on synonymy lists

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 16
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1973
Page(s): 713–719.
Authored By: S. C. Matthews

Article: Wyleyia: a new bird humerus from the Lower Cretaceous of England

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 16
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1973
Page(s): 721–728.
Authored By: C. J. O. Harrison and C. A. Walker

Article: A problematical dinoflagellate from the Tertiary of Virginia and Maryland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 16
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1973
Page(s): 729–732.
Authored By: Dewey M. McLean

Article: The application of electron microscopy to palaeontology

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 16
Part: 4
Publication Date: November 1973
Page(s): 733–733.
Authored By: M. D. Muir and W. L. Diver
