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Palaeontology Archive

The Association has made issues of the journal Palaeontology from volume 1 (1957) to volume 41 (1998) available to the palaeontological community, without restriction or charge, through our online portal. Issues from volume 42 (1999) to the present time can be obtained though the Wiley Online Library portal where they are free to Members of the Association and subscribing institutions, and available for purchase by non-members and non-subscribing institutions on an individual basis.

Please note that individual publications need to be manually imported. If the article you require is not yet included in our archive, please email the webmaster using the contact us page.

In addition to the articles hosted by the Association (below) many can also be found on the Biodiversity Heritage Library: Palaeontology@BHL.

Volume 28

Volume 28 | Part 3

Article: Lower Cretaceous inoceramid bivalves from the Antarctic Peninsula region

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 3
Publication Date: August 1985
Page(s): 475–525.
Authored By: J. A. Crame

Article: Coronate echinoderms from the Lower Palaeozoic of Britain

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 3
Publication Date: August 1985
Page(s): 527–543.
Authored By: Stephen K. Donovan and Christopher R. C. Paul

Article: Cortical development in Chaloneria cormosa (Isoetales), and the biological derivation of compressed lycophyte decortication taxa

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 3
Publication Date: August 1985
Page(s): 545–553.
Authored By: Kathleen B. Pigg and Gar W. Rothwell

Article: Wealden occurrence of an isolated Barremian dinocyst facies

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 3
Publication Date: August 1985
Page(s): 555–565.
Authored By: N. F. Hughes and I. C. Harding

Article: A new genus of Carboniferous spiriferid brachiopod from Scotland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 3
Publication Date: August 1985
Page(s): 567–575.
Authored By: Marie Legrand-Blain

Article: Ostracodes across the Iapetus Ocean

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 3
Publication Date: August 1985
Page(s): 577–598.
Authored By: Roger E. L. Schallreuter and David J. Siveter

Article: Two new species of herbaceous lycopods from the Devonian of Venezuela with comments on their taphonomy

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 3
Publication Date: August 1985
Page(s): 599–618.
Authored By: D. Edwards and J. L. Benedetto

Volume 28 | Part 2

Article: Palaeoecology, taphonomy, and dating of Permo-Triassic reptiles from Elgin, north-east Scotland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1985
Page(s): 207–234.
Authored By: Michael J. Benton and Alick D. Walker

Article: The nautiloid Brachycycloceras in the Upper Carboniferous of Britain

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1985
Page(s): 235–242.
Authored By: D. Phillips

Article: The taxonomy, shell structure, and palaeoecology of the trimerellid brachiopod Gasconsia Northrop

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1985
Page(s): 243–254.
Authored By: Nils-Martin Hanken and David A. T. Harper

Article: Zooid and colony growth in encrusting cheilostome bryozoans

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1985
Page(s): 255–291.
Authored By: Scott Lidgard

Article: The panderichthyid fish Elpistostege: a close relative of tetrapods?

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1985
Page(s): 293–309.
Authored By: Hans-Peter Schultze and Marius Arsenault

Article: Taxonomy and evolution of the Cainozoic spatangoid echinoid Protenaster

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1985
Page(s): 311–330.
Authored By: Kenneth J. McNamara

Article: The mid-Proterozoic Little Dal macrobiota, Mackenzie Mountains, north-west Canada

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1985
Page(s): 331–354.
Authored By: Hans J. Hofmann

Article: Ostracoda from the middle Eocene of Assam

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1985
Page(s): 355–385.
Authored By: John W. Neale and Pratap Singh

Article: Biotic diversification in the Phanerozoic: diversity independence

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1985
Page(s): 387–391.
Authored By: Antoni Hoffman

Article: A protorothyridid captorhinomorph (Reptilia) from the Upper Carboniferous of Newsham, Northumberland

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1985
Page(s): 393–399.
Authored By: Michael J. Boyd

Article: Lower Ordovician trilobites from the Hanadir Shale of Saudi Arabia

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 2
Publication Date: May 1985
Page(s): 401–412.
Authored By: A. A. El-Khayal and M. Romano

Volume 28 | Part 1

Article: Estimating biomass and energy flow of molluscs in palaeo-communities

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1985
Page(s): 1–34.
Authored By: E. N. Powell and R. J. Stanton Jr.

Article: Maastrichtian non-heteromorph ammonites from the Miria Formation, Western Australia

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1985
Page(s): 35–88.
Authored By: R. A. Henderson and K. J. McNamara

Article: Microfossil distribution across the base of the Wenlock Series in the type area

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1985
Page(s): 89–100.
Authored By: John E. Mabillard and Richard J. Aldridge

Article: The first Mesozoic chondrophorine (medusoid hydrozoan), from the Lower Cretaceous of Japan

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1985
Page(s): 101–109.
Authored By: George D. Stanley Jr. and Yasumitsu Kanie

Article: The Permian lycopod Cyclodendron leslii from South Africa

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1985
Page(s): 111–120.
Authored By: R. J. Rayner

Article: Fluid transport properties of Nautilus siphuncular tube: within-camera distribution of flow rate

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1985
Page(s): 121–131.
Authored By: John A. Chamberlain Jr. and Stephen W. Pillsbury

Article: Sexual dimorphism in the belemnite Youngibelus from the Lower Jurassic of Yorkshire

Publication: Palaeontology
Volume: 28
Part: 1
Publication Date: January 1985
Page(s): 133–146.
Authored By: Peter Doyle
